Welcome Home, Tribe!
To Our Alumni, Future Alumni, Friends, and Visitors:
Let this week be a celebration of both our extraordinary history and our continued success together.
Thank you for coming home to join us this week and for your continued support of your Alma Mater.
Homecoming Parade
Thursday, September 29
Parade Lineup: 6:30 PM
Begins at 7 PM
Fireworks | Music | Hot Dogs, provided by The Seminole Athletic Booster Club
Gaines County Park
Thursday, September 29
8 PM (at sundown)
Pep Rally
Seminole High School Gym
2 PM
Game Tickets
Tickets will be sold at the visitor gate only, or you may click here to purchase them online.
Wigwam Midway
Join us for a pre-game carnival-like atmosphere with food and activities.
Booths will open at 6 PM
Indians vs Big Spring
Kickoff Time is at 7 PM
Alumni Band
The Pride of the Tribe invites any band alumni to play with them in the stands on Friday night. To participate, click here to complete the registration. 
Halftime Show
Presentation of the 2022 Seminole High School Homecoming Queen
Homecoming Dance
Saturday, October 1
8 PM
Youth Center
High School Students Only
Tickets may be purchased before school, during lunch, or at the game on Friday.