Seminole ISD Required Postings » Accountability


Notice of Performance For Seminole ISD For Complying With H.B. 3297 

State A-F Accountability Ratings

District and individual campus ratings can be found at:

School Report Card

  1. Select School Year
  2. Select a Report Level (Campus or District)
  3. Select a Search Method
  4. Enter a Campus or District Name
  5. Click Search
  6. View Reports

Texas Academic Performance Reports 

To access the TEXAS Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) report for Seminole ISD, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the TAPR website of the Texas Education Agency.
  2. Click on the link to search by individual campus or district.
  3. Select a School Year
  4. Select a Report Level (Campus or District)
  5. Select a Search Method
  6. Enter the Campus or District Name
  7. Click Search.
  8. View Reports

State Accountability

To access the accountability rating of the district and any school, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the State Accountability website of the Texas Education Agency.
  2. Select Accountability Year
  3. You will be directed to the selected year's accountability rating. Click the box titled '20XX Accountability Reports'.
  4. Select a School Year
  5. Select a Report Level (Campus or District)
  6. Select a Search Method
  7. Enter the Campus or District Name
  8. Click Search
  9. Select "View Report"

To access a definition and explanation of each accountability rating, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the State Accountability website of the Texas Education Agency.
  2. Scroll Down to Resources